Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Naming the YEAR.....

This Year is the first Year that I will be naming the year. It's the practice of acceptance with joy. The art of living content right where He's got me.  But that was last year and boy would I do 2012 over again in a heart beat, but since I can't I will continue to practice acceptance with joy. Now keep in mind joy isn't just smiling through a situation, nope that's not what God asked of me last year.  He wanted me to experience great pleasure and genuine happiness with where I was and where I was yet to be. It was a difficult year to find joy in the everyday never mind the trials.
Sometimes I wonder if it just might be every woman's battle. What's natural, is me looking around and wondering why I don't have her talent, or her ability as a Mother, or her gift of living and breathing God's Word with her life. And so daily I have to purpose to thank Him for His perfect plan in making me just the way He wanted me to be, for this place in time, for these treasures, for my husband.

And oh how I give Him praise, simply by living content.


These moments. Contentment in the here and now. 

A few Years ago She named her year, The Year Of Here. Saying that

'The only place I can ever be alive is right here.

Be all here: and be holy.

Be all here: and be happy.

Because the Presence of I AM always fills the present moment.'

I'm tempted this year to do the same, but I will go out on a limb and name my year, "The Year of Adventure" as I continue to Praise Him by accepting with great joy, all that He gives.

Happy 2013 the Year of Adventure

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